The objective of the subject is to allow students to learn to program with an advanced language (Pascal). 
The choice of language is left to the discretion of each establishment. The notion of algorithm must be taken care of implicitly during language learning.

This guide is tailored for first-year students enrolled in the common core programs of Sciences and Technologies (ST) and Material Sciences (SM). The objective of the course is to provide a strong foundation in dimensional analysis, kinematics, and vector calculus, which are essential for success in further studies in science and technology.

Les travaux pratiques de physique constituent l'élément indispensable de l'étude de la physique. D'une part, on apprend les méthodes fondamentales de mesure, on se familiarise avec les appareils de mesure; on apprend à faire correctement les mesures et à évaluer leurs incertitudes. D'autre part, on étudie certains phénomènes physiques, ce qui complète les connaissances reçues pendant les cours théoriques. On apprend également à étudier méthodiquement et logiquement les phénomènes et d'en tirer les conclusions nécessaires.

Introduce the student, in a first step, to all the sectors covered by the Field of Sciences and Technologies and in a second step a range of professions leading to these sectors. In the same context, this subject introduces the new challenges of sustainable development as well as the new professions that can result from them