Teaching skills and practices course is designed for Master II students to provide them with basic theoretical as well practical issues related to the field of teaching in general and foreign language teaching in particular. First it states the theoretical part by providing them with basic knowledge about teaching approaches as macro vs micro teaching; different concepts related to the field as teacher education, teacher training and teacher professional development; teacher beliefs and affective factors in teaching; difference between subject matter knowledge and contextual knowledge and communication skills. Second, the course aims at developing students' skills and competences required for being future effective teachers which represent essential practices the teacher performes in the classroom; as  course objectives' setting, course content sellection, lesson planning , classroom management, action research, classroom observation and self-reflection.

The course also provides the students with the opportunity to practice these skills in the classroom via preparing  and real teaching of lessons , and others observing and giving feedback . Cosequently, students will be ready for the training they are required to have as the practical part of their final studies.