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The distillation course is intended for second year Master's students in Process Engineering: Chemical Engineering option for semester 3. To be admitted to this course the student must have basic knowledge of fluid mechanics, transfer of matter and heat and in isothermal thermal separations.

                                                         Content of the Course:

Chapter 1. Reminder on the  liquid-vapor equilibrium                                  

Chapter 2. Distillation Flash Point of bubble, Point of dew                       

Chapter 3. Distillation of the mixtures binary                                                

McCabe and Thiele method :Lewis hypotheses. Operating lines of grinding sections And exhaustion; straight thermal of diet Determination of number of floors theoretical; optimal location of the feed, partial condenser-partial reboiler, Limit cases ( total reflux, minimum reflux). Multiple feeds and withdrawals. Murphree Effectiveness – Effectiveness overall.

Method of Ponchon Savarit : Diagram enthalpy-concentration. Balances matter And balance sheets enthalpy on the enrichment and exhaustion zones and over the entire column. Optimal position of food. Minimum number of theoretical stages. Minimum reflux. Partial condenser. Case of two power supplies

Chapter 4. Distillation discontinuous (Reflux constant, Composition constant)                                                                                                              

Chapter .5. Distillation of mixtures multi-component Method abbreviated of resolution ( shortcut ).                                                                                                              

Fashion assessment: Control continuous: 40% ; Exam: 60%.

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