Course description

The main aim of this course is to enable students mastering the fundamental concepts of discourse analysis. The course examines theories and approaches of discourse studies, genres of discourse (media, politics, gender, race, classroom, and child), and important factors linked to discursive production, interpretation and analysis. 


Students are required to acquire knowledge of sub-disciplines of linguistics that are pertaining to this course. 

Course objectives

On the successful completion of the course, graduates will be able to: 

Draw a clear link between language related issues in the field of discourse analysis and other disciplines (linguistics, politics, media, gender studies, etc.) as evidenced in in-class writings and group discussions;

Synthesise the fundamental concepts of discourse analysis: scope of discourse analysis, its historical background, types of texts and discourse in group discussions;

Summarise and contrast the important principles of the standards of textuality, through activities;

Show understanding of discourse analysis in relation to the factors of language, meaning, context, interaction, etc.;

Demonstrate understanding of the different genres of discourse analysis through texts analysis.