Through a variety of texts, this course explores the structure and dynamics of Anglophone civilisations, providing a broad-based introduction to the ideas, culture, and institutions that shape history and politics in the contemporary Anglophone World.
Syllabus :
Governance Beyond the Centre.
Political Parties: Do they Still Matter?
Pressure Groups.
The Mass Media.
Voting and Elections.
Democracy in Theory and Practice.
- Teacher: AMINA M'LILI

The main goal behind this course is equipping the students with enough knowledge about the various methods, approaches, techniques, syllabi, designs, procedures, etc the language learning realm has ever seen.
Also, it aims at providing the students with beneficial shortcuts towards teaching the four skill; since they are one year from graduation & starting teaching.
At last but not least, it displays the best ways for designing tests.

Course Design (CD/L3-S2) is directed to third-year students and aims at raising their awareness of the necessary steps involved in designing courses for a particular group of learners. Being a successful teacher requires knowledge about the steps of curriculum development in general and syllabus design in particular which are covered in different lessons in this course such as: Needs Analysis, Identifying course goals and objectives, Content selection and organisation, Lesson planning, Materials and Media in LT, besides an introduction to the field of testing and assessment in TEFL, more specifically Textbook evaluation.

Any future teacher requires obligatorily basic psychological data about humans in general and learners specifically. The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the field of psychology & more specifically cognition, and make them focus on the relationship between attention, perception, recognition, memory, thinking, problem solving and language, and how to implement this knowledge in (foreign) language teaching classroom.