Section outline
Comprendre la question =1/(2-ε) de la réponse, où ε≃0 positif.
Remarque. Il n'est pas nécessaire de traiter tous les exemples en TD, l'enseignant choisira les exemples qu'il veut traiter, il appartient à l'étudiant le soin de faire le reste.
In this subsection we consider only the characteristic polynomial of an n by n matrix which is a polynomial of degree n, from which we give a practical way to find the eigenvalues of the square matrix A.
This subsection deals with the most mathematical expressions that we will use in Algebra III.
This is an important section for students
The English language is an indispensable tool in the present time, and you must have reasonable level to learn elementary and advanced mathematics.
This section includes several results, in Algebra III, as well as Theorems, propositions and corollaries with the proof for each. For example, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and necessary and sufficient condition for diagonalization. These results are found above but you can read them alone.